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A heaviness settled over Dirick’s chest His breathing quickened, then slowed, then rose faster again If another er, just to ensure that Maris should be safe, ould he do to have her?

The chamber around him spun and swam as he lay there

Could she love him?

Nay, of course not

Could she?

Dirick frowned at his absurd thought, fighting to crystallize theof ale!

Her father The words returned I love her

Ask yourself why Merle of Langumont did not return

He slept, dreamt, slept


Dirick’s head felt thrice as large as normal, his ears a hundred ti a storh to drive hied to s asked, obviously noticing his pained grin

"Naught but enough ale to drown a village," he admitted

Henry chuckled "’Twould be a pity were you not at your best this eve when you take your bride to bed" He laughed outright "Say the word if you cannot perforlared at the king, finding little hue’s jest "Nay, your ht, and I will have no probleain, then turned his attention to the howling hounds "They’ve scented a boar!" he cried in excitement With a spur to his mount, he leaned forward and the stallion leapt into the wake of the frenzied dogs

A party of twenty so down upon the hounds The fresh air whipping about his face dissolved the brunt of Dirick’s nausea and he began to get into the spirit of the hunt With a cry of delight, he brandished the spear he carried and urged Nick harder, so that they gained ground on the king

At last, the howling of the dogs indicated that they’d cornered the boar The hunters raced into the clearing, reining up on one side, readying the ani snouted face, and angry tusks curled with enough curve to rock a careless dog before tossing it into the air Bristling, wiry hair sprang fro nostrils as it cast frantically about for an escape route Hound, horse, or rew h the blockades

"Now!" cried Henry, nodding at the three bridegrooiven the honor of the first strokes

Lord Barthole his heels into his h the clearing, passing by the boar in a flurry of hooves, flapping cloak, and a well thrust spear A spurt of blood sprang forth from the beast’s shoulder, and a cheer erupted from the other hunters

Lord Richard followed shortly after,beast from the spear wielded by Dirick His ai wound in its belly

As Dirick halted Nick to the side, watching as the boar pawed the ground, readying itself for a vicious pass through the ring of arbled ht before

Why did Merle not return from Breakston? If he were alive when Bon saw hi the attack upon the keep, then he must have died by the hand of so to his mind, followed quickly by the question of why

A shout frohts, and he saw that the boar avering on its feet

Her father

Could Michael be Maris’s father? That could explain Allegra’s odd reaction when she greeted theus were beginning to make sense

Dirick turned to Lord Bartholemeatched the last thrust at the boar with rapt attention "Bart, know you much of Lord Michael d’Arcy? Is he trustworthy?"