Page 48 (1/2)

"Aye, Mahtly "Your Papa did not know--oh, I did not believe he knew I did not tell hireatest sin…" Dear God, she was cursed Damned!

If Merle knew that Maris was not of his loins, it would have been no hardship to tell him of Bon’s threats…and why he could not betrothe her to Victor Instead, she had lived the lie, protected it for eighteen years Now Merle was dead, and she still had judg overtook her and she stuffed her hands into the folds of her skirts

"Iwithout hesitation and without a backward glance, to the door She ignored Maris’s shocked stare as she swept frora had said enough paternosters and Ave Marias, she hoped, to salvage her soul, she crept fro hair into her veil She cast about, looking for a page, a uide her back to the ladies’ chara"

The smooth voice from the shadows caused her heart to leap into her throat, and she whirled to face hi fully into the light He pressed a finger against her dry lips with a soft caress, "‘Tis not ether"

"Why? Why should we care?" she said, just so she could feel her ainst his beloved flesh

"Corasped her own fingers, firra followed She would do anything he bid--and he drew her along in the shadows of the dark hall Reaching a small alcove, he pulled her inside and into a bare chaht, she pulled his face to hers, sahed "Oh, ht to lose you yet again after you left Langumont"

His hands ar into her the need that pulsed at his groin "You are my only love," he told her as his , be litter of hope and desire in his eyes

"Oh, aye, Michael, aye ’Tis half my life I have waited to hear those words of your lips!" Her hands were busy, pulling his tunic up so that she could feel his warers

"’Tis a lifeti off his tunic, then pushing his chausses down past his waist Michael slid her to the floor, pulling up her gown so that it bunched above her hips When he thrust inside of her welco and lowering herself to roan, he met his end, and she with hi, sweat, and lust

"Let usa kiss behind her ear, at a place that never failed to cause her to shiver

"But, Michael, what of the banns? We cannot find a priest to marry us so soon! And what of Maris?"

"I have already paid a priest to ht and could not bear to wait any longer than need be He awaits us on the ue into the depths of her ear, sending a sharp, pleasant twinge down her spine, "let us not tell Maris as yet…sheso soon after Merle’s death"

Allegra pulled away as a thought struck her "Did you tell Maris that you are her natural father?"

Michael peered down at her in the di to read her face "What did you say?"

"Her betrothal to Victor was repudiated and now she is toof her relation to your son so that he would deny the betrothal?"

Michael nodded "Aye, he was prepared to forht but step forward and share the truth with him ’Twas all for the best Dirick of Derkland seera nodded, pleased at his concern for their daughter, and overwhelmed by the co you, Michael, and I cannot believe that we shall be husband and wife at last!"

She felt hiainst her cheek "Aye ’Tis all that I have ever hoped for"


Dirick leaned heavily against Raye amount of ale he’d i’s Shield…and all of the other places hishihtly slurred The party ofthe street, their way lit asinterling to hold his head upright It was not the best thing to do the night before one’s wedding, but it had been impossible to deny his e and the betterment of his position as well--for his increase in stature with the king translated into their own improvement