Page 73 (1/2)

The hail had passed and now they were being soaked by a steady rain Before long Abby could see the truck, and Toer side “Can you open the door?”

She pulled on the handle and he deposited her on the seat, slaed around to the other side

“Out of the rain, at least,” she e to make such a mundane comment when she’d nearly died just minutes earlier Reality felt very surreal and skewed at the moment

Toe as he started the truck and cranked on the heater “Take off your hoodie,” he co into the back He held up an old sweatshirt, a heavy navy thing with the words GONE FISHIN eold

“I’m fine,” she insisted

“You’re soaking wet and probably in shock Take off your shirt or I’ll do it for you, Abby”

She fu to her skin Beneath the hoodie her T-shirt was also wet “That one, too,” he said

“Tom, I…”

Syentling his tone He reached for the he it down her ar He held out the sweatshirt,it easier for her to put her arms in the sleeves and pull it over her head It was enormous on her much smaller frame, but it was soft and warm and smelled of lumber

He put the truck in gear and turned around, pointing theain Abby curled into the sweatshirt, relieved that the heater in the truck orking She didn’t understand why she was so cold

And then she re

“Your seat!” she exclai down The blood flow had slowed, but there was still a rusty-red streak on the beige upholstery

But that wasn’t the worst She finally saw her knees and the sight of the raw skin stubbled with splinters sent sickening tingles fros to her toes This hy he hadn’t let her try walking

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” he said quietly

“Are you sure?”