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d to laugh with every sentence and her face carried a warentle look She was everyone's idea of a sweet little old snow-haired lady

"You don't strike me as the Geritol type," he said

She patted his arm "If that is meant as flattery, I'll buy it" Sheroom "Come and sit down You will stay for lunch, won't you?"

"I'd be honored, if it's no trouble"

"Of course not Bert is off chasing around the golf course, and I appreciate the company"

Seagram looked up "Bert?"

"My husband"

"But I was under the impression-"

"I was still Jake Hobart's ," she finished his sentence, s innocently "The truth of the o"

"Does the Army know?"

"Oh heavens, yes 1 wrote letters to the War Departo, but they si the checks"

"Even though you'd remarried?"

Adeline shrugged "I'overn money, who's to tell them they're crazy?"

"A lucrative little arrangement"

She nodded "I won't deny it, particularly when you include the ten thousand dollars I received at Jake's death"