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Charles would never want this So many years after his death, he would be heartbroken to see her in this place, talking to others about howthat he’d come back to her We have one life to live, Mary, let’s live it right, Charles had said to her when he proposed

Since he’d left her, so much time had passed

She’d spent years of not truly living, but coasting with all her e for others Now that barrier was gone She knew she had shut down, refusing to feel anything, knowing how le friend of Charles’s, as it’d been too hard to see the time

She wasn’t broken any longer, or at least she didn’t feel that way now Only gratefulness touched her

Once she’d had a iven her a life of happiness she never thought she’d have A ifted her with more love in not only his touch, but in the children they had together

Charles and she had their time



Though there was another man who made her feel all of what Charles had Onesensation inside her that made her body awaken and freed her h she was meant to be on this earth to ive to soiven

A man that made her feel alive


“Mary, do you feel sometimes as if you’re alone?” Helen asked

She snapped out of her thoughts, replying without really thinking about it first “Alone, no Lonely, yes”

Helen ss whenever you need to talk or to share how you’re feeling”

Mary looked froe didn’t ood No one knew her in this roole person understood her lifestyle and what she needed, as a submissive, to be centered