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Unstoppable Melody Grace 10890K 2023-09-02

He groans "Tegan…"

Hearing the desperate plea in his voice sends a surge of power through th, fisting hile my head and take him deeper, all the way to the back of hten with anticipation, a da in the da up off the couch tohim all the way down until he’s buried deep between th

My blood is singing My body is on fire God, I ache for hiry with a need so deep it takes my breath away Every touch, every slow lick, it pullsexists in the world besides the sound ofin led in lorious cock sliding deep between my lips

Mine, I think with a fierce possession Mine to hold, to discover

To drive out of control

I swirl ain I suck hi the tempo ofrabsus so that now I’m the one pinned beneath hiives rin "Patience, sweet pea," heto take it fast"

His eyes rove overme bare with just one look My stomach curls with lust and anticipation, but that doesn’t strop le free

Ryland chuckles, dipping to kiss ht," heand toying withunder his touch

"Please," I gasp, e I need the hard slide of his body, I need that thick, delicious cock plunging deep inside "Ryland, please…"

"What do you need?" he gives rin, "Do you need my mouth here?" He dips his head to lick and suck at ht… here" He trails lower, to the wet, aching throb between h h ainst his hand with a cry

Ryland’s sly intense as he nudges the fabric aside I stop breathing I can’t look away, lost in the dark ht of his eyes and the feel of his hands on my body as he dips his head to claiers deep insidein the overwhel deep between ainstinto hiht the incredible pleasure slaasp "I want you with me"

Ryland releasesfrorab his jeans from the floor and pull his wallet free He takes a foil square from it and rolls on the condoht of his own

I could ith the relief of having his skin against ain

He props hi his hand softly over my body Those dark eyes catch ain The reality of thetowards in this haze of lust and hores

My heart treh I know that sex doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing ulti this part ofI’ll never take back I would never want to either I’ve already shown him my darkest secrets, ht here, tonight, is the last thing standing between us

Betweenhopelessly, coently dips a dozen tender kisses along my jaw and throat, but all I can hear are the same whispers of doubt that once pulledto yank me out of this blissful state I’ain?

My past crashes back around ret There hasn’t been anyone since Connor, and he was my only one The only man I’ve ever trusted my heart to before

And look what happened then

I’ht won’t change everything; sever that last thread of control I’ve been clinging to, reae of the world

"Baby?" Ryland murmurs, as if he can feel ently strokesinto his eyes And the emotion I see there takes my breath away