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When life kicks you in the balls and drops you to your knees…

Randy sat behind the wheel of the 1974 Pontiac LeMans and stared through the windshield The neighborhood was sketchy as shit

While he didn’t expect a gated, luxury community, the shit-hole house surprised him

He’d found the Balti on the back of a torn envelope buried deep in his father’s dresser drawer Under a loaded 40 caliber handgun with the serial nuround off and a full box of ammo

Randy wondered why those three things were kept in the sa down here for a final reunion? Did he hate the woman that much?

He wouldn’t be surprised if his father did

They weren’t allowed to speak her name in their house Not since the day she walked out

That was three years ago When he elve and his brother Chris was eight

Three damn years

Randy wondered if Dutch knehere she was all that da his asshole father, he probably fucking did

From where Randy had parked the piece of shit Pontiac at the curb, he twisted his head and studied the duplex through the passenger-sideHe had no doubt which one Bebe lived in

The one with the rebel flag covering the front

Randy’s lips flattened Figures

One-by-one, he peeled his fingers off the steering wheel and gritted his teeth He needed to get the hell out of the vehicle and go up to the door He didn’t drive all this way for nothing

He didn’t risk stealing the LeMans only for shits and giggles

He was here now He was doing this

He was here to find out why

Why a ain Never talk to theain

Forget they ever existed

He pulled a deep breath in through his nose, held it and blew it out his mouth

Fuck this

The driver’s door creaked loudly as he forced it open He had to slaet it to latch closed

“Piece of fuckin’ shit,” he ood kick He should’ve stolen a Corvette or so However, this vehicle had been easy to pinch and he could start it with a screwdriver It hy he picked it

Plus, it wasn’t flashy Like a Corvette