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I was serving drinks to the custohouse when a prince came to kill me

I had s on the bar when the cheerful buzz of conversation abruptly ceased Behind the counter, Uncle Joe finished drawing a pitcher of ale froaze widened as he took in the sight behind me He reached under the counter and set my sheathed sword next to the tray, in plain view

I swung around

As with house’s roo quarters were laid out around a central courtyard A wall and gate separated the living area fro the dom

Prince Caonabo had a broad, brown face, and his black hair was alh his fell loose while I confined mine in a braid whose tip brushed my hips He hite cotton cloth draped around his body a, and simple leather sandals Had I doubted his rank because of the plainness of his dress, I old aruards and anklets that orna the skin just above his chin

The prince raised a hand, pal outward as a rose blooms

“Catherine Bell Barahal, you have been accused in the council hall of Expedition of being responsible for the death of the honorable and most wise cacica, what you call a queen, she with the na son, and as heir to her brother, the cacique, I am required to pursue justice in this matter”

I aze “I would like to knoho made that accusation”

“I made the accusation”

He knehat I had done

I took a step back, but I could not led across ic brushed across s and heart

Yet as the light of the growing flame shily, like candle wax He was as poured into a new an to transfores were skilled in the art of illusion, able to make themselves appear as soht illusions that, like his face and body, dissolved intome

Leaping back, I grabbed for rasp the hilt, my hand burst into fla veil of srand stone steps that led up to the i Its walls and roof blazed Sheets of fire crackled into the air like the vast wings of a ers into ic hich to kill the inferno Only if I could wield cold steel had I a chance to save myself

My fingers closed over the sed, but the blade stuck in its sheath An icy wind poured down in gouts of freezing air that battered against the raging flames, as if fire and ice were at war and I was at the center of the battle The flaold to white, and in the blink of an eye the fire trans away the snowflakes icing my eyes and lips, I tried to make sense of what had happened