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Chapter One

“Kick his ass, Aria!”

“Fuck, yeah! I wanna see some blood!”

“Oh, fuck you! She’s gonna get pummeled!”

The croas loud and feisty tonight

Call me crazy, but I loved it

The sparsely constructed, rusted round walls of the arena rattled and creaked, joining the cacophony of the loud yells and catcalls from hundreds of voices

Every few e warehouse-like space, adding to the general chaos of the atmosphere This kind of shit was pretty much par for the course in this part of Boston, especially in the clandestine, underground MMA fighting rings

They weren’t necessarily known to be the safest and most pristine places

Like I said, I loved it

I was used to this, to the dredge and stank of the dirtiest and most back-alley people and places in Boston After all, I’d spentwhat it took to survive in the city’s foster system There weren’t a lot of options for an orphaned kid, and I’d had to hat life had thrown at me

The bell rang out, and I glanced up as ht-faced down the aisle