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Bon looked surprised for a moment, and then a pleased smile settled over his features "I do believe I have received my first compliment froreed, "and now, iven charge of your steward and your cook?"

The expression on his face would have been comical if she’d been in the mood to appreciate it "My steward and my cook?"

"Aye, my lord The state of this hall is deplorable…and this food is not fit for the dogs that crowd about , were truly in earnest

Maris did not think she could survive until her father arrived to rescue her if she had to partake of what passed for food in this keep "When was the last ti at the her pointed toe in the ribs of a well fed hound "And thoughas well It must be done before we are wed, my lord"

"We are to be wed on the ed to turn an expression of shock into one of joy before he could note the difference "My lord, how you honor me!" Then, as if ashamed, she ducked her head

After a quick, sharp prick of her fingernail at the corner of her eye, Maris raised her face and fixed him with a wide eyed look pooled with ht to wear…and surely you would not wish to dishonor uests to a hall in such a state Why, and if we are to wed on the morrow, I cannot have the time to prepare a proper meal for your vassals and your men I do not knohat the stores hold, nor the talents of your cook"

He fixed her with a shrewd look and her heart stopped Had she gone about it too obviously? "Methinks you are inventing excuses,with you"

"Nay, my lord, I am most aware that we shall wed upon your word…yet, I implore you…please do you not dishonor me in this way" She wiped another tear away "I should at the least want the bedchaht" Maris had to work tothat those words could issue froaze shyly from under her lashes, then turned away, lest he think her too bold

"Ah…aye, our wedding night," he responded thoughtfully "Mayhaps I shall ht, my lady, and delay our nuptials as you ask"

Maris felt the blood drain from her face "My lord, you would not dishonor htened and not as desperate as she was "If we do not have the blooded sheets to display after the eve of our wedding, there will no doubt be questions as to whether we are truly wed All will cast aspersion on our vows, and mayhaps I shall be taken from you and returned to my betrothed"

Bon did not reply ih hea bride by force was one thing, and being able to prove the validity of the wedding and its consummation was the crux of its success It all came down to the one in possession of not only the bride, but her maidenhead as well

After what seenanireat favor "Aye, rant your wishes and allow you to ordermore than one day hence, my lady, so mark me well and be efficient in your work On the day after the morroe shall be wed" His face leered close to hers, "And I shall anticipate that evening greatly"

Maris took a large sine Folding her hands in her lap, she asked de your leave, my lord, as I have much hich to occupy myself on the morrow And, truly, I cannot partake of this meal"

"Aye, Lady Maris, hie yourself to your chaht so you athered her skirts and stepped over the bench, and off the dais She h the hall, aware not only of theher footsteps, but also of the many pairs of eyes that followed her

There was one countenance that she recognized a the sea of faces And upon that faust that Dirick de Arlande could barely hold her gaze before returning to his goblet of ale


Maris found her chae after afor her when Sensel swung the door open, gesturing for Maris to enter