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“So, Vaughn, hoas it, irlfriend and best friend?” Bradford asks me

I’ on a studio sofa in front of a live audience with Piper Watts, irlfriend, and Cain Acton, ether It’s a ro over the sairl It would have been a little weird for audiences if Cain had ended up with irlfriend The film is due to drop in cine the press rounds to proby’s Dirt

No, I shit you not That’s the name of the show I’m currently on

The ht chat show on television

It’s hosted by Bradford Digby, the television host that every celebrity loves to hate The fucker is a rat through and through He’s like a bloodhound He can sniff out scandal at fifty paces God, even his name sounds pretentious

But he’s popular His show has high ratings, hence the reason Jack, er—and the studio are having us appear on here to promote our new movie

Pausing briefly at his question, I slide a smile in Piper’s direction “It was fun”

Hard work

Piper bitched the whole tiht have been with her for six e at tiht her diva reputation on set was sheer embellishment It wasn’t

Honestly, it made me look at her with a whole new set of eyes But that’s a thought for later

I’d worked with Cain before, so I knehat to expect It was great, as always He’s uy with my life

“It’s always fun working with Vaughn,” Cain says, s at me

I know he thought Piper was a pain in the ass, too, but he’d never say it to irl

Piper is actually the first woot in this business I just figured it was tier, and I want to have a fa to ith, which I’ll ain I’ll keep our relationship and work separate in the future

“No disagreeuments?” Bradford asks

“Well, there are always disagreehs, too

“But they were only ht, V?” Piper says

God, I hate it when she calls hn It literally rolls off the tongue

“We had a blast filirl want than to ith the man she loves and, of course, his best friend?”

The audience sounds out with an, “Aw”

“Of course,” Bradford says “Don’t forget the best friend”

Um…what? Piper loves me?

First I’ve heard

Ipiece of news, keeping my facial expression as neutral as possible