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Author: Roni Loren

He pressed his fingers against her mouth "Don’t you dare take it back"

She squeezed her eyes shut, mortified

"Look at me"

She took a deep breath and forced her eyes open He let his hand fall fro "Oh, my God, I can’t believe I just said that You et ht months and ould people think and--"

"I would marry you tomorrow," he said without a hint of hesitation in his voice

She blinked

Di her out beneath him "In fact, how about nextto surprise you with Thought you’d like to visit the s pastry"

She stared at hi me to France?"

He pressed a kiss to her parted lips "No, now I’ you in France If you’ll haveinside her went still, quiet, as she wrapped herShe saw their future roll out before her A life filled with shared laughter and dorky s in bed

And hot, kinky sex

Her normal Their normal

"Just say yes," he said softly

She s his request from prom And this time the as even easier to say "Yes"

He cradled her cheek in his palot a life to plan"

She wrapped her ar out in bliss as they fell over the edge together

She’d been wrong So very wrong

Reality kicked the shit out of fantasy