Page 35 (1/2)

Author: Roni Loren

His gaze snapped toward her, pinning her like a butterfly to a board "What the hell are you apologizing for?"

"Soht things I choked" She looked down at the bed "I’ disaster I don’t even kno to appear normal"


"I’m so sorry that I’veeirl here with you I kno much your reputation��"

He was across the room in the span between blinks She looked down at her toes, still fighting tears, but he pushed his fingers beneath her chin, forcing her face upward "Listen toGwen told Carirl? What the fuck does that even irl who doesn’t have so o to a spa day with other woe and her job without having to make shit up"

"Stop it," he said firmly "I would never, ever be e her head "You don’t have to--hell, I’d be embarrassed by me, Wyatt The way some of those women looked at me today when I stumbled over my answers"

Her sto down into the pedicure chair all s questions at her Thatdisard

"No," he said, his tone as sharp as an ax through ice "Do not give those women and their opinions that kind of power over you I’m embarrassed that I even know people ould cast you aside because you co elitist bullshit"

She shook her head, another awful realization hitting her, and tears snuck by this time Those women had acted like they were on a aht she’d attracted that shrewd speculation because she’d struggled with some of her answers But if Gwen had told Car?"

All of it started to ht I’d ured out I didn’t co suspicious and nosy but already knew it all? What if Gwen told the?"

Wyatt’s jaw clenched "I’ll make sure she rues the day if she did"

A sick dread washed through Kelsey "They’re all going to assume you paid me to be here, that I’m a hooker"

"Screhat they think You and I know that’s not the case" He looked from her, to the clothes clutched in her hands, to the open suitcase on the bed "What are you doing?"

"What do you think? I’ I already called and verified there’s another boat to the et out of here"

He took the shirt she’d been holding in her hand and tossed it to the bed "We’re not going anywhere"

"What?" Her voice was shrill in the quiet rooo fuck the away nowscandal We haven’t Neither of us have lied--you like to cook, you want to go to culinary school, and you want a bakery"

"We told theirlfriend"

He circled his ar "So let’s make that the truth, too"

She blinked up at hi about? We said--"

"Don’t freak out I knoe promised each other this was just for fun, that it would end e get back home But this week has been one of the best I can reive this up yet Are you?"

She averted her gaze, unable to handle the earnest look in his eyes More ti a prospect as she could iine But it was so risky Anxiety curled in her belly, her heart waging a battle with her head, and her libido cheering for the wrong tea til death do us part or anything, love But what does girlfriend/boyfriend have toeach other and no one else for a little while?" He stroked the base of her spine, sending hot chills along the coluossip when they see that you didn’t disappear the ot back to town"

"Is that what this is about? Making the ruse look more real?" she asked

The corner of his mouth lifted and he kissed the tip of her nose, which was probably still bright red fro "No, this is complete and utter selfishness on my part I want you, Kelsey In er than two more days The other is just a convenient side effect"

She pressed the top of her head to his chest, the weight of te her Wyatt had been the subject of her fantasies for so long and now she was living theoddaerous Was it better to taste the best, et a few bites? Or was it better to have never tasted it and live your life not knohat you’d missed?