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The roo with excitement

“Did you read his white paper on quantum mechanics?”

“I hear he sleeps with, like, twins, and stuff”

“Dude, he doesn’t need twins He has triplets”

“And those electric cars? Like, he invented them?”

“Just the battery, dude”

“I’d give my left nut to be him for, like, a day”

“I’d give a blowjob to a porcupine”

“I’d give a ri”

“You’re disgusting”

“Whatever, dude He’s a”

Clara s over their new professor, the famous tech billionaire, Jason Turner

Every guy in this roo corew that company into a behemoth He made so much money, he’s always on lists of the richest men in the world

And now he’s teaching here, at a se outside of Philadelphia called Monray

We’re known for two things: having the best football team in the third division, and two bars across the street from each other that have the same exact name

Basically, we’re just a tiny private college with not all thaton We’re in a suburb that’s too far fro out in Philly even possible, but not far enough away that people don’t try anyway

I bite my lip and for theat Monray He could easily go to work at any big college in the freaking country I mean, they’d line up to let him teach a computer science class like he is here

But I guess it doesn’t ot into his class, which was a miracle in itself, since it filled up like two istration started

I shift in ain One is heavyset with baggy sweatpants and asweatshirt His black laptop is on his little desk and he has Reddit open in a browser Next to hi a t-shirt and shorts, despite the chilly early spring weather