God and Devil World

God and Devil World
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In less than an instant the world as we kneas at its end That’s right The Apocalypse In a single blink Zoe all throughout the world Noas the huht for survival and planetary dominance! On the sa Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee ca a tea the way After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s tiins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle… Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extree of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly beco the “norent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were er than hu bodies impenetrable by normal bullets The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact enslaved s Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless neorld, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “norle towards Evolution!!!