Curse of the Jade Lily (Mac McKenzie 9)

Curse of the Jade Lily (Mac McKenzie 9)
Latest: Page 101

A stolen geic history, a curse and a million dollar ransohts Curse of the Jade Lily Several years ago, Rushmore McKenzie beca notup at his doorstep is the insurance company that paid the settlement that made him rich—and they want a favor Soe to ransoo between And this is no ordinary ge Dynasty and a reputed curse that stories claim has ruined or killed everyone who has ever owned it McKenzie agrees to help but what starts out as a simple ransom quickly beco the State Depart up, wanting McKenzie to turn over the gem to them When the murdered body of on of the thieves turns up in a snow drift, it looks like the cursed Jade Lily has claimed its latest victim And there may well be more to follow…